What is the best way for an Artist, Manager, Label or Promoter to communicate with you?

Geronimo - VP, SiriusXM BPM
Send me an email, tell me about your artist, their music. It’s best to be concise and include a SoundCloud or Dropbox link to listen or download. If I don’t reply within a week, hit me back. Please keep in mind that a lack of quick reply is never personal. We are sent hundreds of emails each week and sometimes a few hundred in a day. There’s no doubt that I appreciate the attention and wanting your music on SiriusXM’s dance channels but please be patient as the amount of music we receive is quite a lot. I think this works best for most radio or DSP programmers.

Dre Nieto - PD, SiriusXM Chill, Diplo's Revolution
E-mail is best with a direct download link to the music and release info. I always tell people feel free to follow up; we’re not actively trying to ignore. Given the amount of music being released we do our best to get back to everyone..

Rida Naser - PD SiriusXM BPM
Email! I have a music folder that I am always keeping up with. I promise I’m always on top of it, even if I don’t respond right away!

Brian Fink iHeart Evolution
Email, or DM on Instagram (@iambrianfink). And with the understanding that we as programmers are being hit from every single direction with song submissions. So have patience if we don’t get back to you or reach out again.

Email. It may take me a couple of days to catch up but I will respond.

Steve Periera - Music Choice Dance
Even though I get a million emails every week, I would still try that and Instagram. I actually have a lot of conversations with artists and managers on social media.

Luis 2 Live - MD Dance Factory FM/WCPY- Chicago
The best way to communicate is by email.

Ron Chatman - PD, KNHC - Seattle C89.5
Email is always good, because I will answer those on weekends or late nights when my mind is churning! But the phone is a good backup if we have a scheduled time to chat. Just know that we're understaffed and working with high school students, so I may only have ten or fifteen minutes to talk. But I want to talk to everyone...

Harmony Soleil - APD/MD, KNHC - Seattle C89.5
Email is absolutely the best way!

Mike Oaks - PD, The Vibe, Internet, Energy 98
Email is the best way for me.

Justin Dohman - MD, The Vibe, Internet, Energy 98
Email is the best way.

Joel Salkowitz - PD, Internet, Pulse 87
Generally, email is best. I have a very full and erratic schedule with my TV work and email gives me the most flexibility. I actually do LISTEN to the music that is sent to me.